Introducing the PEZ Looney Tunes Collection, featuring beloved characters Bugs Bunny, Tweety Bird, Sylvester, and Daffy Duck. Each dispenser is packed with nostalgic charm and holds 12 delicious PEZ candies. Perfect for collectors and fans alike, this iconic candy has been a staple in American culture since the 1950s. With over 3 billion candies consumed annually in the U.S., PEZ continues to be a beloved treat enjoyed by all ages.
This listing offers the opportunity to choose a specific Pez character for your order. If you have a favourite Pez character in mind, simply let us know during checkout. However, if you do not have a preference, we will select a character at random for you. With a wide selection of classic and popular characters available, you are sure to receive a delightful surprise.
Imported from the USA.
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